Tony Grieco

Tony Grieco


us usa united states america

Trip to the United States of America

California : San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Carmel, Monterey, Hearst Castle, Pismo Beach, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Venice Beach, Hollywood

Arizona : Oatman, Kingman, Grand Canyon, National Park, Page, Antelope Canyon

Utah : Monument Valley, National Park, Lake Powell, Zion National Park

Nevada : Las Vegas

California : Shoshone, Furnace Creek, Death Valley National Park, Mammoth Lake, Yosemite National Park, Mariposa, San Francisco

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San Francisco, California

After 15 hours flying in the air, and after making a trip to Canada, I finally arrived in San Francisco. It’s definitely a cool city that has seen some of the greatest trends of the last century, but often we only have a few days to spend on the city and its surroundings. In order to maximize my first stay, here is my personal itinerary so you do not miss any of the must-see places in this mythical city, but still have time to savor every moment! And I give you some favorite addresses of my stay.
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Remember, San Francisco is a city that works so do it at your own pace and take the time to enjoy the special atmosphere of the place. The sloping streets seem way too steep, I take advantage immediately to walk in “cable car”, trams: symbols of the city after an hour of waiting.
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Alcatraz, California

Despite its highly touristic reputation, Alcatraz remains a must. The visit is really exciting! The audio guide, available in several languages including French, will take you into the maze of its history and its legends. In high season, it is better to reserve your place in advance.
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Some places to remember in San Francisco: Alcatraz, Lombard Street, Wharf’s Fisherman’s, Golden Gate Bridge, Pier 39, Westfield, Golden Gate Park, Chinatown, Japanese, Gay, Spanish, Hippie Italian, Painted Ladies Business and Downtown, SF Museum of Modern Art, Sausalito, do some walks, it is in losing oneself that one falls on wonderful things! Here are some photos summarizing:
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Pismo Beach, California

Arrived at Pismo Beach, seaside place and much quieter than SF, finally the real holidays! I had never seen this concept there, except in the United States (as usual). I was able to ride in the sand, a first time for me, it was so cool, I was able to gain speed while driving at 50km / h on the beach of Pismo with the roof of the car that opened while seeing this beautiful landscape with all these 4×4 and American picks-up in the middle of the beach …

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Hearst Castle, California

A little culture with Hearst Castle: another rich billionaire who is bored. He will create Hearst Castle, a castle of excess. Honestly, I’ve never seen such rude, impolite and autain staff, on the verge of aggression, if you go there you better speak English fluently, do not eat chewing gums, or even have a bottle of water on you. As for the photos, be careful not to get lost and stay with the guide because I had the misfortune to lose myself and face the fool of “conservative” museum, it looks like it was his castle , LOL. Despite this, the exterior facade was fabulous, the gardens beautiful but a big disappointment inside with a Mediterranean style and a vast collection of antiques. Neptune’s pool is as beautiful from the outside as from the inside, it’s even where many stars have shot movies or clips like Lady Gaga’s “GUY” video.
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Los Angeles (Hollywood, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills), Venice Beach, California

Los Angeles, obligatory passage. Between Hollywood Boulevard, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills and Venice Beach, I tell you about our adventures! I left my luggage for 5 days in a villa in Los Angeles, a beautiful booth with swimming pool, huge sidewalks and very large roads, like cars, like houses, in short as the USA what. Great for jogging in the morning. Venice Beach further, cool atmosphere, echoes of music, flashmob, bodybuilders, graffiti on the walls, extravagant outfits, skaters and stretches of beaches in the distance, a great moment. In the evening, another atmosphere in Beverly Hills, between boutiques and luxury cafes, and sports car driven by 16-year-olds barely looking at their iPhone and the road at the same time, it’s like in movies!
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Grand Canyon, Arizona

A major stop on this road trip to the United States, emblem of the Wild West and American open spaces: the Grand Canyon! It’s a destination that has always fascinated me. I told myself at the time that it was so far that I would probably never go. It has finally become a reality, and it is even better in real life. Surprising, unique, immense, vertiginous. He was admired from different points of view, throughout the day, to the point of the show: the sunset. After an awful night at the Grand Canyon Hotel with a room that has nothing to do with L.A … not to mention the heat in the room and strange animals and noises at night. The next day I took a helicopter ride, I saw beautiful things with a view of the Grand Canyon, colors and a landscape to take the breath, to say that there are really places like that on Earth. I shed a few tears next to the pilot, while filming and photographing every 2 seconds. After the air, here I am on earth, taking this Hummer, telling me that it was going to be great but not at all. We took the same paths as the cars with which I could have made the trip. We waited a few hours to see the sun set on the Grand Canyon. Here we are again on the parking lot. Ponpon on the garonne, the Hummer could not start any more. We waited 2 hours alone, in the middle of the Grand Canyon but in the dark night, with animal noises, and with far away the fires that were spreading (the most deadly fires in the history of California that you have seen info). I was really shocked to see all that, I could not imagine seeing it someday in my life. Finally we returned safely.
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Antelope Canyon, Arizona

New step of the road trip: Antelope Canyon, aka Tse ‘bighanilini in Navajo language, which means “the place where water runs through the rock”. I booked a few weeks before the departure a guided tour, that is to say that the expectations were great for this day. At noon tapantes, we find ourselves in front of the shop of our guide (not without a logistical mistake due to the change of time between Utah, where we slept the day before, and Arizona – hard to forget, however it is written everywhere – except that Antelope Canyon – although in Arizona – is on Utah time – do you follow?). In short, we ride in a jeep, we find ourselves quickly on a completely dented sand track. Let’s go for the adventure!
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Lake Powell (Page), Utah

​Lake Powell is an artificial lake, located on the Colorado River, straddling Utah and Arizona. It was formed in 1963 as a result of the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam. Located near the town of Page, Lake Powell offers a multitude of fun activities: you can swim, kayak, jet-ski but also cruises.
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Monument Valley, Utah

These stunningly beautiful lands have been shaped by water and wind for millions of years. They are part of the territory of the Navajo people, an area of ​​nearly 7 million hectares home to the Navajo tribe. Early Hollywood directors brought Monument Valley to the general public in films such as The Fantastic Ride, released in 1939 starring John Wayne. Since then, several generations of tourists have followed one another in the region.
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Las Vegas, Nevada

Last destination before returning to California, Las Vegas is just crazy. A parallel world. Under 35 ° C around 22h, it is a city that can be visited at night because it is already hot the day but also to see all the neon lights that illuminate these casinos and famous hotels known to each other. People are walking disguised, or half naked. A choice. (To understand in view of the heat). Huge casinos, statues, bling bling everywhere, divas, pin-ups, limousines (I counted a dozen) for a single street, shows, fountains, reconstructions of Paris, Venice and Egyptian pyramids, king size beds, huge luxury hotels with air conditioning going from 35 to 10 degrees. In short we do not know where gave head. In short, it’s Las Vegas baby !!!
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Death Valley, California

After this unique experience, a radical change of scenery: Death Valley aka The Valley of Death. After two hours we are finally in an ultra hot desert. To tell you I did not even know that such heat could exist on Earth. Extreme temperatures found on Earth, average temperatures of 35 ° C, the day can reach up to 52 ° C and the night about 30 ° C. Signs indicating that it is strongly discouraged to visit this place after only 10am, we started the ride.

Badwater, again a dismal name, like most places here. This is the lowest point in the United States, 86 meters under sea level. The Badwater soil has a special look: when it rains, in spring, the pond fills with water, which evaporates little by little, creating a smooth saline surface, as in salt marshes. Gradually, everything continues to break and the ground becomes more chaotic, as if it had been plowed (and that’s finally what we saw).

While driving on a beautiful one-way winding road, Artist’s Drive, we arrive at the Artist’s Palette. On the facade of the mountain, surprising colors reveal deposits of feral minerals, which are tinted under the effect of oxidation (the iron becomes red, the mica becomes green and the manganese, purple). We go for a walk for 10 minutes to get a little closer to this strange point of view. And always, alone, silence.

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Back in California, sad to leave this country but happy to have been able to make this trip. This vacation was really great, I learned a lot, discovered a lot of places, visited, drove, made 4500 kilometers and realized that I had the chance to make this wonderful trip. Now I have a hurry: it is to return! I hope you will have more than someone will read me lol! I tell you